Saturday, November 13, 2010

Little Pink Haired Old Lady

I'm apparently a little pink-haired old lady.

I'm not quite 30. I won't disclose exactly when I turn the big, dreaded number because 1) I don't feel nearly 30, 2) I don't look nearly 30 and 3) I don't ACT anywhere near 30.

On the outside, I kinda seem a little like a rock star. Or at least, that's what I go for when I get dressed in the morning. My hair is hot pink - the kind of pink that glows under blacklight. My clothes are... different from pretty much anyone else I know. I wear an ass-ton of makeup, most noticeably black eyeliner. One could even say I'm a retired goth kid. What people expect me to do with my free time is probably something along the lines of partying until the break of dawn with all the super-cool hipster friends they assume I have.


What I actually do with my free time is more like what you would expect someone's granny, or great-granny to do. I sit at home with my husband and kids, watch nerd TV and knit. And play facebook games. I'm hopelessly addicted to them, but that's another story for another time.

In other news, I was going to make this blog exclusively about my knitting, and then I realized that might be a little too boring even for me. So what you can expect to see here will be a combination of the daily goings-on of my life, liberally salted with excited blather about knitting. You'll read about cosmetology school, motherhood, marriage, friendship, food (oh god, food), and all manner of other things that pop into my head.

In short, welcome to my world. ;)

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