Monday, January 30, 2012

Loathing and Boredom

This year, I've been trying to save money (so I can buy more fibery happinesses!) by cutting back on the ridiculous amount of non-home-cooked food my family eats. Seriously, we spent an average of $15,000 last year on food between the kids' school lunches and fast food lunches for hubby and me, plus the fast food dinners we were eating almost nightly. So far it's going well, I think. It helps that I've learned to cook and seem to rather enjoy it.

Grocery shopping isn't so bad either. The down side? A HEAP of plastic bags end up in my house, with maybe only about 60% of them leaving with the garbage. Husband likes to hoard plastic grocery bags for some reason as yet unknown to me. We have an entire shelf in our pantry that is devoted to nothing but plastic grocery bags. I hate them. They fall down and attack me at least once a day, and I'm quite sick of them. And then there's the space they take up. That's a whole shelf in my pantry on which I can't put FOOD!

To combat this plasticky problem, I've started in on knitting some grocery bags. The trouble with these are that they are BOOOOOORING. The yarn isn't the most pleasant thing in the world, being a cottony-feeling acrylic (maybe real cotton would have been better?) and I am sick unto death of the miles of endless seed stitch leading up to the big fat lace panel. Part of me says to keep on trucking so I can get to the big fat lace panel, but I'm so bored I don't want to! Maybe I should just pick up another of the many WIPs I have floating around. The trouble with doing this is that most of them are small-gauge and I'm still wanting to work large for the time being.

I would leave you with a picture of my boring bag in progress, but it seems I can't get my phone to cooperate with uploading the image. :(

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