Friday, July 15, 2011

Confessions I

From time to time, little things niggle at my mind. This is where I shall confess them.

  • For starters, I'm losing my spidery steam. I have 51 rows, some tassels and blocking left to go but I'm kind of over it right now. I'm ready to move on to the next thing, but I know I'll never forgive myself if I don't finish this before I do. I suppose I shall soldier on.
  • I am steadily becoming more snobbish about the type of fibers I use. When I first started knitting, I didn't care what my yarn was made of, so long as it was in my grubby little paws and wasn't Red Heart Super Saver. Acrylic? Fine. Cotton? Delightful. Wool? Heaven. The deeper I get into fiber art as a whole, the more I find myself preferring what I refer to as "The Good Shit" (natural fibers) and shying away from more readily available (read: available at my semi-local Michaels or Walmart) acrylics. This new-found yarn snobbery bothers me just a little. My stash is FILLED with acrylic at the moment, and there's very little I can think of that I want to do with it. I'd consider donating it to someone if the little hoarder in my head didn't start shrieking "YOU'RE GONNA NEED THAT ONE DAY!!" I thought about trading it, but who the hell wants to trade The Good Shit and receive a mountain of acrylic in return? Nobody I can think of. Maybe I'll sell it in a destash group on Ravelry for like $2 per skein. Maybe I'll go yarn bomb my entire damn town. I don't know. But what I do know is that I've either got to use the stuff or get rid of it in a constructive way in order to make room for more of The Good Shit.
  • I'm beginning to brainstorm the possibility of starting my own local fiber arts group, since I'm sick of feeling like the isolated knitter. My town has an Arts Council that offers sponsorship to local art and/or craft groups, and studio space for artists and all that good stuff, and I'm thinking it might be just the thing to kick start from.
  • I am STILL pining for a spinning wheel. I watch the one I want on eBay every time it re-lists (it's Buy-It-Now from a fiber arts store in my state), but have yet to actually click the button. I keep hoping that maybe if I clean out the closet I want to store it in when it's not in use, Hubby will relent and stop giving me shit about getting it.
So there you have my confessions. Your thoughts and ideas on how to resolve any of these issues are welcome. :)

1 comment:

  1. Yo girlfriend, we haven't met yet but as soon as US immigration tells me I can cross the border, I'll be moving to your town. My husband works at Mother Earth Brewing. We can be a knitting group of two?
