Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I have a full post, but it's late and I'm tired and somewhat brain-dead tonight, so you get a mini-confessional instead.

  • I haven't been entirely myself lately. In fact, I haven't been entirely myself in so long I think I'm in danger of forgetting who "myself" is. I need to start keeping a journal again, privately, so I can process some of the weirdness that rolls around in my brain and maybe figure myself out a little more.
  • I used to enjoy Facebook. Lots of games, lots of seeing what people were up to, lots of all kinds of interesting things to keep me busy. The last few weeks, maybe even months, it just feels like a giant time-suck. I have other things that I would rather do with my time, so I'm starting to think about the idea of taking one night a week completely afk. Read a book, play a game of Guitar Hero, knit like crazy, Idk. Whatever. Just a night away from the computer, because whenever I'm sitting here, I've more than likely got at least one tab open to fb.

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